“I’m really confused as to why I keep getting benefit payments when I’d told DWP a number of times that I was working again… I don’t want to get into debt with DWP”
“I have no idea when the repayments are going to end”
“When you are under pressure with debt and not in the right frame of mind, it’s difficult to understand what things even mean”
“I struggle to keep track of my deductions and I don’t understand why I end up the go-between – between Universal Credit and Debt Management”
Inclusive from the start
When we’re designing services, it is vital that we make sure that they work inclusively for everyone.
In order to understand the needs of a wider spectrum of people, I worked with the team’s researcher to:
- visit 4 drop in sessions at libraries and training centres
- interview 4 digital assisted trainers
- interview 3 UC work coaches
- interview 13 members of the public
- interview 26 people who have accessibility needs and claim benefits
- interview 4 people whose second language is English and claim benefits
- interview 3 citizen’s advice advisors